Design Services


Design Services

Helping our clients create efficiency and profitability is what we are all about. Check out our designs to see how we work.

COOP Designs

Top Left Design

1-72 Dia 340K Bushel Storage Bin | 15K BPH Fill System | 10K BPH Reclaim System

Nack Osage

Top Right Design

2x105 850K Bushel Storage Each | 1x48 Dia 144K Bushel Wet Storage | 2x10K BPH Tower Dryers | 20K BPH Receiving Pit and Legs | Scale-In, Dump, and Scale-Out System

Bottom Left Design

4x78 Dia 340K Bushel Storage Each | 1x48 Dia 100K Bushel Wet Storage | 12,500 Bushel Receiving and Fill System | 7,500 Bushel Reclaim System | Scale-In, Dump, and Scale-Out System

Bottom Right Design

105 Dia 746K Bushel Storage | 15K Bushel Fill System | 5K BPH Reclaim System

Millw Mound

Farm Designs

Farmer 1

Farmer 1

5 x 48 Dia 80k Bushel Bins, 8k Receiving Capacity, 1100 bushel Pit Capacity
Farmer 2

Farmer 2

2 x 48 Dia 85k Bushel Bins, 2 x 18 Dia Wet Hopper Tanks, 8K Bushel Receiving, 1K Bushel Drop in pit.
Farmer 3

Farmer 3

4 x 48 Dia 48k Bushel Tanks, 2 x 500 Bushel Dump Pits @ 10k BPH capacity, 10k Receiving System, 3k Bushel Overhead

Farmer 4

Farmer 4

Expansion on existing site, add 2 x 54 Dia 150k Bushel Tanks, 2k BPH Tower Dryer, 36 Dia 35k Wet Tank, 10k BPH Receiving System
Farm Designs
Farm Designs 1
Farm Designs 2
Farm Designs 3
Farm Designs

Top Left Design

60 Dia 113K Bushel Storage Bin | 42 Dia 46K Wet Storage | 10K BPH Receiving System | 2x Future 40 Dia 46K Bushel Storage Each | 2x2,600 Bushel Overhead Loadout Tanks

Top Right Design

60 Dia 196K Bushel Storage | 3,300 Bushel Overhead Storage Tank | 7,500 Bushel Receiving System | 7,500 Bypass Inlet Drive Over Pit

Bottom Left Design

60 Dia 168K Bushel Storage | 5K Reclaim System | Integrated into Existing Facility

Bottom Right Design

10K BPH Pit Conveyor | 1,500 Bushel Gravity Receiving Pit | Integrated into Existing Facility

Ground Pile Designs

Ground Pile Design 1

Pile 1

25k BPH stadium pile loader

Ground Pile Design 2

Pile 2

1 Million Bushel Ground Pile, 265’ Dia, Feed by 25K BPH Incline Conveyor
Ground Pile Design 3

Pile 3

2 x 528k Ring Piles, 1 – 775k Stadium Pile, 1 – 1.5 Million Temp Storage Pile, all feed by 25k BPH Fill System

Commercial 4

2 x 135 Dia 1.3 Million Bushel, upgraded catwalk 20k BPH Fill System, and 10k Reclaim systems.

Ground Pile Designs
Ground Pile Designs 1

Top Left Design

265′ Dia Pile with Center Fill Tower Est. 1 Million-Bushel Capacity | 20K BPH Fill System | 20K BPH Reclaim System Inside Tunnel Under Pile | 6K Bushel Overhead Storage Tank

Bottom Right Design

2x202′ Dia Pile Rings Est. 528K Bushels Each | 305′ Dia Pile Est. 1.5-Million Bushel Pile Storage with Center Air Tower | 20K BPH Fill System | Tower/Catwalks Support Throughout

Layout Designs

Farm Designs 2

Top Left Design

2x75 Dia 325K Bushel Capacity Each | 10K BPH Fill System | 45′ Ingredient Tanks | Scaled Hoppers for Mixing | Twin Shaft Mixer | 24 Bin Micro System
Layout Designs 1

Top Right Design

Mezzanine Structure | 2x Large Screw Conveyors | Roller Mill | Blower System

Layout Designs 2

Bottom Left Design

Commodity Storage Facility | 3K Receiving and Reclaim Systems | Square Bolted Overhead Storage Tanks | Roller Mill for Different Commodity Use
Layout Designs 3

Bottom Right Design

Mezzanine Structure | 2x Large Screw Conveyors | Roller Mill | Blower System

Farm Designs 2
Layout Designs 1

Top Left Design

2x75 Dia 325K Bushel Capacity Each | 10K BPH Fill System | 45′ Ingredient Tanks | Scaled Hoppers for Mixing | Twin Shaft Mixer | 24 Bin Micro System

Top Right Design

Mezzanine Structure | 2x Large Screw Conveyors | Roller Mill | Blower System

Bottom Left Design

20x6,000 Bushel Smooth Wall Commodity Tanks | 8,500 Receiving Legs and Round Bottom Fill System | Truck and Rail Overhead Loadout System | 8,500 Round Bottom Reclaims Systems | 10K Rail Scale

Bottom Right Design

Commodity Storage Facility | 3K Receiving and Reclaim Systems | Square Bolted Overhead Storage Tanks | Roller Mill for Different Commodity Use

Loop Designs

Loop Design 1

Loop 1

10k BPH Loop System, 5 x 205k Bushel Tanks, 1100 Bushel Drive Over Pit, 2 x 5K Bushel Overhead Loadout Tanks
Loop Design 2

Loop 2

10” 6k BPH Loop System, 5 x 48 Dia 56k BPH incorporated with a Drive Over Bypass Inlet Pit
Loop Design 3

Loop 3

10” 6k BPH Loop System, 3x 60 Dia 145k Bushel Holding Tanks, 42 Dia 60k Bushel Wet Tank
Loop Design 2

Loop 2

10” 6k BPH Loop System, 5 x 48 Dia 56k BPH incorporated with a Drive Over Bypass Inlet Pit
Loop Designs 1
Loop Design 1
Loop Design 2

Right Design

5x60 Dia 205K Bushel Storage Each | 12″ Commercial Loop System | 12K BPH Receiving Pit Conveyor | Scale-In, Dump, and Scale-Out | Square Overhead Storage Loadout Tanks

Left Design

6x48 Dia 56K Bushel Tanks Each | 10″ Loop System 6K BPH Capacity | Drive Over Dump Pit | 3,300 Bushel Overhead Loadout Storage Bin | 479 Site Location Layouts | 12 States and 4 Canada Provinces


Commercial 1

Commercial 1

5 million Bushel Silo Storage, 3.5 Million Bushel Hoop Storage, 2 X 25k BPH Receiving Pits, 60k BPH Rail Loadout Scale

Commercial 2

Commercial 2

2 x 105 Dia 750k Bushel Holding Tanks, 72 Dia 315k Wet Holding Tank, 6k BPH Tower Dryer, 20k BPH Receiving and Fill, 10k BPH Reclaim, 4-5k Bushel Overhead Loadout Tanks
Commercial 3

Commercial 3

4 x 105 Dia 770k Bushel holding tanks, 48 Dia 110k Wet Bin, 1 Million Bushel Pile Temp Storage, 20k BPH Receiving Leg, 10K Reclaim Systems
Commercial 4

Commercial 4

2 x 135 Dia 1.3 Million Bushel, upgraded catwalk 20k BPH Fill System, and 10k Reclaim systems.